Now and Forever

Whenever I'm weary
From the battles that rage in my head
You make sense of madness
When my sanity hangs by a thread

I lose my way but still you seemed to understand
Now and forever
I will be your man

Sometimes I just hold you
Too caught up in me to see
I'm holding a fortune
That heaven has given to me

I'll try to show you
Each and every way I can

Now and forever
I will be your man

Now I can rest my worries and always be sure
That I won't be alone anymore
If I'd only known you were there all the time
All this time

Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand
Now and forever
I will be your man
Now and forever
I will be your man

Friday, March 13, 2009

一束紫色玫瑰,一句简单的‘Happy 999 day ’ 和一个温暖的拥抱。


它是种莫名的感触 - 因为那人所给予的关怀、细心及惊喜,使你无法用任何言语形容你当下的感受。是感谢,感谢他竟然能这么贴心。是讶异,讶异他原来有着浪漫的一面。是惭愧,惭愧自己怎么没他那么细心。


虽说我也曾被感动过,了解什么是感动,但却从未有过这般深切的感动。我想,我会永远记得这样珍贵的感受。现在也深深地知道,原来偶像剧演的一点都不夸张。感谢你让我拥有这份感动 :) 真的好爱你。

再一次祝你生日快乐~ 谢谢你为我们庆祝第999天!:)

Thinking out loud @ 11:53 PM.


* The Girl *