Well, been having my hard-earned holidays for the past 2 weeks after the end of intern @ M. Went HK for holidays~~ Yeah! Disneyland! (Will update that part in the main blog if there's time :P)
Anyway, sch starts again and it's the last IMPT year for mi~ It'll determine if i'm getting a 1st or 2nd class honours. And jus goT to noe that the previous modules' grades will NOT be taken into account for the calculation of grades for hons!! Wth! Super stress for upcoming assignments & exams (finally there's paper exams!) But lessons still as slack as it is. Seriously thinking MD*S is cheating our $$ :(
That aside, i'm also part-timing @ M whenever i'm free, that is. I need to seriously put in effort for this last year's modules. Above 70 to get 1st class~ Oh ya, will be working during this coming weekend for the F1 mastercard thingy as facilitators for GP vvips. Busy but happy with $$ coming in! Wah. At least 300 for the 3 days! yeah~
And not forgetting to congrats all frens who get attached/regained freedom during the intern period. It's blissful to find ur the other half/to learn the mistakes/know urself and the other better, be it attached/single.
I love you, dear